Share products on Facebook

Share your amazing products, bot flows with CTA
Written by Andy Instantano
Updated 5 years ago

Let's assume you've already created a product, collection or even a bot - the key to garnering more subscribers and followers to engage is the Call-to-action.

This is where Jumper steps in and empowers you to do achieve this.. in this guide we will walk you through the steps of getting this right.

  1. Tap Sales channels -> Facebook
  2. Tap Share post
  3. You'll now be on the page as shown below

Now, to navigate every aspect of this menu, here's what it consists of:

  • Post text: This is description field of the post, it's good practise to write more about the product, collection or bot .. if you're leveraging on comment to Messenger be sure to mention the instructions, we've got some sample post messages for you - check 'em out by clicking Get random post text
  • Below Post text, you'll see three options
    Select Products to share your products, collections and bots do as described too.
  • On the right panel, you'll see the name of your Facebook page that's connected to Jumper and a preview of what your post will look like to your fans and followers.
  • Upon selecting Products for example, you'll see a popup listing your products to choose from that you want to share
    Same with Collections and Bots

To guide you through the rest, let's go step by step on each configureable menu from the image below

  1. The two images are that to make a carousel post on your page and sure you can change the images either by uploading a product image or pasting a link to your product
  2. The headline is the text right under your image
  3. The description is placed right under the headline 
    Note: depending on the plan you're subscribed for on Jumper, you will be able to edit this with any text you like. For the Free and Lite plans, this will be non-editable.
  4. Last but not the least, the Call to action menu allows you to pick from a list of Facebook supported buttons.. pick the one most relevant for you and hit Share!
  5. Done!

TIP: If you want to stay away from Facebook's rule that is termed as click/comment/like baiting, have the user CTA for #comment be placed in an image. 😇 See example here that went organically viral!

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