Install Attentive chat using Google Tag Manager

Leverage Google Tag Manager to embed Attentive chat
Written by Andy Instantano
Updated 5 years ago

To install Attentive chat via Google Tag Manager, here's what you need to do

  1. Tap Sales channels on the left navigation menu, go to Web
  2. Click on "Setup attentive messages" and add your website URL on which you want to launch Attentive widget:
    for example: "https://<YOUR_SITE_URL>"
  3. You can customize the widget now to match your brand look and feel (optional)
  4. Next, copy the embed code and login to your Google Tag Manager account
    Once logged in, tap Tags and click new to create a new tag for Attentive chat
    Next, give your Tag a name, click on "Tag Configuration" and select "Custom HTML"
    Now paste the copied embed code in the "HTML" section

    Last but not the least, click on the "Triggering" section,
    click on All Pages & tap Save

    ... finally submit your changes and publish
  5. Once done, on Jumper's dashboard, click verify to check if the script is installed. You should see Verification done, which means you're all set to go!

Customize the widget to adapt to the look and feel of your brand. Pick the message type, delays, intents and a whole lot more. Read more on customizations here.

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