Managing GDPR Consent

Toggle on/off opt-in and consent
Written by Andy Instantano
Updated 4 years ago

As we've seen around the news and web, requirements in certain georgraphies regarding privacy and asking for consent has become mandatory - we at Team Jumper made it out top most priority to provide you with the best and easiest way to ask for it.

You'll see this option in your Store policies. To navigate there, Tap Store -> Settings -> Policies

By default it's disabled. Please enable it according to your country preferences to make sure you're compliant.

To enable consent messaging, tap Ask consent and you should see a screen like the one below outlining next steps to configure

We've already put in a message that's generic for all geographies and termed as a good practise for you. Should you want to edit the message, tap Edit message and localise it as per your target country and language.

Make sure you have added your privacy policy and keep it up to date. When a customer clicks the "Privacy Policy" button above, we will open your privacy policy in a web view.

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