Deleting your Jumper account

Written by Remy Heyzengård
Updated 4 years ago

To delete your account, head to Store > Settings > Business Profile

Scroll to the bottom of the page, below all business settings. Here you'll see the "Delete your Jumper account?" option. Click "Delete". 

IMP:  Once you click Delete - All your account details, including products, storename, order details will be deleted permanently from our systems and can't recovered or renewed at a later date.

This will also apply to any subscription pricing applied to your account -upon deletion your subscription data is also deleted. Hence, if you choose to come back and create your account again with the same email/login, we will not be able to grandfather you back to your old plan.

Tip: If you want to temporarily pause your store or start afresh, we recommend you disconnect your channels, integrations, manually delete your data or cancel your billing, till you are ready to start again. 

We don't recommend deleting your account for temporary closures.  

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