Orders for each day can be managed from the Orders tab on the dashboard. By default the order filters are set to show orders only for the current day.
Order are shown in 3 tabs as per the progress:
- 🛎️ New orders : As the orders come-in for the day will be displayed here
For each incoming order you'll see the following details:
i) Number of order in queue
ii)Order ID: Each order is automatically assigned an order ID depending on the channel they order was placed from. The individual channel codes for the order ID are FB for Messenger (Eg FB00024), JMP for web orders, IM for iMessage, WA for WhatsApp, LN for Line, TW for Twitter.
iii) Order type: As per your settings customers can place 3 types of orders which are shown as emojis. 🚶🏻- for pickup orders, 🛵for delivery orders, and 🍽️ for dine in orders.
iV) Order Date
v) Customer Name: If the customers name is available for the channel, it will be auto collected in the order details. For channels where the name is not available, it would not show for the order details.
vi) Payment mode: The payment method the customer choose to pay with, eg Card, or Cash.
vii) Order items: By default you'll see the number of items ordered for each time. Click on the "X items ordered >" text to view the full order details - items orders, customizations requested, order summary, customer name, email, number, and delivery address.iii) Start Preparing Button: To move the order to the preparation stage and send an automated notification to the customers to let them know that their order is being prepared. Note automated order status notifications will only go to customers who have ordered via a messaging app.
- 👩🏻🍳 Being prepared: You can either click start preparing to move new order into the preparation stage or drag and drop the order card from "New orders" list to "Being prepared" list.
- ✅ Order ready: As soon as the order is ready, you can mark the order as prepared or drag the card from the "Being prepared" list to "Order Ready" list.
i) when you mark the order as ready, it will also send an automated notification to the customers letting them know that their order is ready for pick or out for delivery.
ii) If the customer has chosen to pay the order by cash then you will have to manually mark the order as "Paid and complete" to clear it from active orders list. For paid orders too you should mark it "Complete" by clicking the button.
Once you mark an order as complete, they will move down to the bottom of the page under Completed Orders.
iii) You can download a csv of all your orders at the end of the day to sync with your accounting, by clicking on the "Export CSV " button on the top right of the page.
Order Notifications:
- Browser Notifications: By default you'll recieve notifications on your dashboard every time a new order comes in.
- Email Notifications: If you also want to recieve updates in your email click on the email notification icon on the top right of the Orders page and select yes to recieve notifications on email.
View past orders:
If you need to see the previous day orders, you can use the Filter by dates option and select a historical date range.
Note: At any given time, you can select a maximum range of 15 days