Order Export

Field Descriptions for Order Export
Written by Brian Ho
Updated 4 years ago

You can export the orders CSV from the orders panel. Below you can find the list of column that are by default added to the CSV export. 

Field Description
OrderId Order Identifier
OrderDate Date when Order is completed (based on Merchant’s timezone)
OrderSource Platform where Customer made the Order
ReferenceID Internal Reference Number for Jumper
CustomerFirstName Customer’s first name
CustomerLastName Customer’s last name
CustomerEmail Customer’s email
CustomerMobile Customer’s mobile Number
AddressLine1 Customer’s Address
AddressLine2 Customer’s Address
City City of Customer’s Address
State State of Customer’s Address
PostalCode Postal Code/ Zipcode of Customer’s Address
Country Customer’s Country
PaymentBy Payment Gateway Used
PaymentMade True if payment has been made
*For Cash-on-delivery, True if Order is marked as paid in Jumper's dashboard
ShippingStatus Either “Shipped” or “Not Shipped”
Item Item Name
VariationSKU Variation SKU (if applicable)
Variation Variation Name (if applicable)
ItemDiscount Discount applied on Item
DiscountCode Discount Code applied on Item
Qty Item Quantity
Subtotal Payable Amount for the Item
GrossAmount Order’s Gross Amount (before discount)
Discount Order’s Total Discount
NetAmount Order’s Net Amount (after discount)
Tax Order’s Tax Amount
SpecialNotes Special Instructions from Customer

Further in the Order Source, the following default value are provided to help you track where did the customer start the interaction from. 

OrderSource  Description
FACEBOOK Conversations/orders triggered from Facebook Comments
JUMPER Conversations/orders triggered from Jumper's Conversational Landing Pages
Widget Conversations/orders triggered from Attentive Widget
INSTAGRAM Conversations/orders triggered from Instagram Direct
WEB Conversations/orders triggered from Jumper's Conversational Landing Pages
LINE Conversations/orders triggered from LINE
BOT Conversations/orders triggered from Jumper's Conversational Landing Pages
TWITTER Conversations/orders triggered from Twitter DM
WHATSAPP Conversations/orders triggered from WhatsApp Business API
SHORTLINK Conversations/orders triggered from Messenger Redirect Links
IMESSAGE Conversations/orders triggered from iMessage
YOUTUBE/YT Conversations/orders triggered from Youtube

Note: This export contains Orders that have been processed up to 180 days ago.

Note: Currently there is no provision to track conversations/orders starting from ads. 

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